Delegate Comstock and Delegate Filler-Corn Inaugurate House of Delegates Arts Caucus
On Arts Advocacy Day, Delegate Barbara Comstock (R-34) and Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn (D-41) held the inaugural meeting of the House of Delegates Arts Caucus.
Delegate Comstock Introduces Legislation to Fund All Day Kindergarten for Fairfax County Schools
Delegate Barbara Comstock introduced a budget amendment that would allow Fairfax County Schools to reprogram any portion of its’ eligible FY 2012 Virginia Preschool Initiative funds toward completing all-day kindergarten in the 37 schools that do not provide all-day kindergarten.
Heavy snow and sleet are making road conditions treacherous throughout northern Virginia, and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) urges motorists to avoid travel tonight while crews work to clear roads.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) urges motorists to avoid all travel this morning until road conditions improve. Snow totals range from five inches in PrinceWilliam County to 12 inches in Loudoun County.
Virginia Lawmakers Battle Human Trafficking
Nothing draws a crowd like the phrase "human trafficking" or "21st Century slave," and so no less than eight lawmakers from both major parties packed a press conference Wednesday in Richmond
The Comstock Connection January 26th, 2011
All Lane Closures for Dulles Metrorail Project Cancelled
The Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project has announced that no lane closures will be in place today in the aftermath of last night's winter storm.
VDOT Snow Removal Procedures and Power Outages
Due to yesterday's snow storm and the treacherous road conditions, I wanted to provide you with snow removal information from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) on snow removal and from Dominion Power on the power outages in Northern Virginia.
Delegate Comstock Introduces Resolution to Celebrate Wolf Trap’s 40th Anniversary
Delegate Barbara Comstock introduced a Resolution commending the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts and celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year.
Delegate Comstock Appointed Chairman of General Laws Housing Subcommittee
Delegate Barbara Comstock (McLean-34) issued the following statement regarding her appointment as Chairman of the General Laws Housing Subcommittee.
Congressman Frank Wolf released the following statement in support of H.R. 2, the bill to repeal the Obama Administration’s health care reform law enacted last year.
Great Falls Connection Op-Ed - Key Priorities: Jobs, Transportation, Education
In February 2009, a Newsweek cover told us: "We Are All Socialists Now." While this was telling in terms of letting us know where the new administration in Washington, D.C. and others may have wanted to lead the country, in Virginia – the home of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison -- we took a different path.
Statement of Delegate Barbara Comstock on Martin Luther King Day
"Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago – To tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world. Let us dedicate ourselves to that and say a prayer for our country and for our people."
Governor McDonnell's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Proclamation
Read the full text of Governor Bob McDonnell's 2010 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day proclamation.
Commonwealth Posts 9.5% Revenue Growth in December
Ninth Month out of Last Ten with Increase in Revenue Collections over Prior Year; November Revenue Also Grew at over 9%
Governor McDonnell Announces Government Reform Initiatives for 2011 Legislative Session
The Governor highlight three of the bills that I introduced this legislative session: a Telework tax credit; a Payroll Services bill; and a bill to reform and simplify employee leave programs. Read the Governor's press release below.
The Comstock Connection
The 2011 General Assembly session begins today. I look forward to continuing to represent you and to work on issues important to the 34th district. I will keep you updated on what we are working on throughout the session.
Governor McDonnell, Governor O’Malley and Mayor Gray Announce Plan for Implementing Governance Reform at WMATA
Improvements in WMATA Governance to be Delivered Immediately and in the Medium to Long Term
Governor McDonnell Announces 50 New Jobs in Fairfax County
Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that NetWitness Corporation, provider of the world’s most powerful network security monitoring platform, will invest $1.1 million to expand its Virginia headquarters and operation in Fairfax County.
Governor McDonnell Congratulates 8 Virginia Colleges and Universities Named ‘Best Value’ in Kiplinger Report
Governor Bob McDonnell released the following statement in response to a recent report from Kiplinger naming eight Virginia colleges and universities to their list of ‘Best Values’.
Delegate Comstock to Hold January Town Hall Meetings
Delegate Comstock is holding the following Town Hall Meetings this month
The Comstock Connection
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you are enjoying the holiday season as much as we are.
Developments on Georgetown Pike
On Wednesday, December 15, I joined Supervisor Foust, Senator Howell, Great Falls Citizens Association representatives and others to discuss with VDOT moving forward with the single lane option and VDOT will continue to work with the community on how to best proceed with the single lane option.
VDOT Mobilization Update December 16, 2010, 9:00a.m.
Read about VDOT's mobilization plan for today's snow storm.
VDOT Snow Removal Procedures
With winter weather upon us, it is once again time to prepare for snow and ice storms. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) provided us with additional guidance to share with you.
First Ladies Christmas Brunch
Read about the Jill's House "First Ladies Christmas Brunch" in the McLean Connection this week
Federal Court Ruling on Obamacare Being Unconstitutional
Majority Leader-elect Eric Cantor on today’s federal court ruling on Obamacare being unconstitutional
Federal Health Care Case
The Attorney General explained the ruling today in the federal health care case.
Governor Bob McDonnell on Federal Health Care Ruling
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell issued the following statement today regarding the ruling by Judge Henry E. Hudson of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia that Section 1501, the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision, commonly referred to as the “individual mandate,” of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is unconstitutional.
$4 Billion for Transportation
Governor Bob McDonnell previewed components of his transportation agenda for the 2011 General Assembly session today in a wide-ranging speech delivered at his Governor’s Transportation Conference in Roanoke.
Governor McDonnell Announces Increased Funding to Support Research at VCU Massey Cancer Center
$5 million to Expand and Strengthen Basic, Clinical and Prevention, and Control Research; Amendment Will Help Center in Effort to Gain Top Status with National Cancer Institute
Read my letter to our Senators regarding the Tax Petition
Thanks to all who signed the petition to stop the January 1 tax hikes
Pearl Harbor Remembrance
Governor McDonnell Issues Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Proclamation and Orders Flags Lowered
$1.1 Billion in Road Projects
VDOT Advertises $1.1 Billion in Road Projects in First Six Months of Fiscal Year 2011
Thanksgiving thoughts from The Wall Street Journal
Giving Thanks
As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed on us as individuals, as families and as a great country - the "shining city upon a hill" that John Winthrop envisioned and that we continue to work to improve every day.
Suspected Serial Burglar in Custody
Fairfax County Police believe the arrest of a man in Montgomery County, Maryland, on Wednesday, November 17 is directly linked to the recent series of burglaries and attempted burglaries in Fairfax County and surrounding jurisdictions.
INVITE from Liz Cheney and Mary Matalin
INVITE from Liz Cheney and Mary Matalin: Dec 8 Reception with ERIC CANTOR for COMSTOCK FOR DELEGATE
156 New Jobs in Fairfax County
Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that Acumen Solutions, an international leader in business and technology consulting, will invest $2.35 million to expand its operation in Fairfax County. The project will create 156 new jobs providing business and technology consulting services to the company’s clients.
“Stop Hunger Now”
Congrats to Bob Hahne who spearheaded the “Stop Hunger Now” event last Saturday.
Commonwealth Posts 3.7% Revenue Growth in October
Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that October revenue collections increased by 3.7% over the prior year.
Commemorating Veterans Day
Delegate Barbara Comstock (VA-34) today issued the following statement to commemorate Veterans Day
Thank You!
Thank you for re-electing Rep. Frank Wolf as our Congressman and all the hard work you did on Tuesday to contribute to this historic election.
Money matters: Rep. Wolf’s platform will pay off in future
Candace Strother has written an excellent letter published in the Loudoun Times Mirror making the case for our Congressman Frank Wolf.
Wolf Victory Party Tuesday Night at 7p.m.
Please join us on Tuesday night for the Wolf Victory Party from 7p.m. - ???
“Going Green with Virginia Transportation” Initiative
Governor Bob McDonnell announced yesterday the launching of the "Going Green with Virginia Transportation" Initiative.
The Comstock Connection
It's been a very busy Fall and it has been great seeing so many of you at events around our community. I wanted to update you on our activities and news and events. I would also invite you to share this newsletter with any friends or colleagues who might be interested.
Creation of Lyme Disease Task Force
Delegate Comstock Commends
Governor McDonnell And Secretary Hazel
On Creation Of Lyme Disease Task Force
Obama Underappreciation Syndrome
A Must Read From The Always Insightful Charles Krauthammer
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In this week’s Connection, Mary Kimm reminds us – through her personal experience that is, no doubt, so familiar to many of us -- that early detection really can save lives.
Election Day is Two Weeks Away
I wanted to forward to you this message from our congressman, Frank Wolf.
Stop by my Open House this Friday, Oct 22
Delegate Comstock is Holding Open House Meetings this Friday, October 22 in McLean and Great Falls
Route 123 Closed at Beltway This Weekend
All four lanes of Route 123 (Chain Bridge Road) under the Beltway in Tysons Corner will be closed from 9:30 p.m. Friday, October 15 (tonight) until 5:00 a.m. Monday, October 18 for bridge demolition.
Four Governors On How To Cut Spending
Read the Wall Street Journal Article on the ability of four Governors to cut spending.
Town of Vienna Police Investigate Burglaries with Similarities to Area Serial Burglaries
On October 13th Vienna officers responded for multiple residential burglaries.
Ask the Chief about the Serial Burglaries Today!
Join Fairfax County Police Chief Dave Rohrer today between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. as he takes your questions in an online discussion regarding the recent serial burglaries in our community.
Fire Department Open Houses
The McLean and Great Falls Volunteer Fire Departments are holding their annual Open Houses tomorrow, Saturday, October 9, from 10AM-4 PM.
15 Criminal Alien Sex Offenders Identified To Be Removed From Our Communities
Governor, Attorney General Announce 15 Criminal Alien Sex Offenders Identified To Be Removed From Our Communities.
The Comstock Connection
It has been a busy Fall already with lots of civic, community, and charitable events. I wanted to update you on our activities and news and events.
Barbara Hollingsworth: VDOT is next on 'Hoarders'
The Washington Examiner interviews Virginia Transportation Secretary Sean Connaughton about the VDOT Audit.
UPDATE – Additional Burglaries and Larcenies Reported
During the overnight hours of Tuesday, September 28 into the early morning hours of Wednesday, September 29, seven additional homes were burglarized and an attempt was made to enter one other home in the Oakton area.
“Walloping the Middle Class”
Yesterday’s’s Political Diary featured an article about the coming tax increases in January.
Scheduled tax increases will hinder recovery
The Congressional Budget Office now acknowledges that the January scheduled tax increases will hurt our recovery.
VDOT Audit Identifies $1.45 Billion Available
Governor's VDOT Performance and Financial Audit Identifies $1.45 Billion Available for Projects in 6 Year Transportation Program
Police Investigate Series of Burglaries and Larcenies; Crime Solvers Asks Public for Help
Fairfax County Police are investigating a series of burglaries and larcenies that have occurred throughout the northern section of the county and Crime Solvers is asking for the public’s help in identifying and locating the suspect.
Delegate Comstock On The Ninth Anniversary Of The 9/11 Attacks
On September 11, 2001, we experienced an unimaginable tragedy and evil, not only for our nation, but right in our local community.
“The Coming Tsunami of Business Tax Increases”
In Case You Missed It – A Must Read: “The Coming Tsunami of Business Tax Increases” was in The Washington Post earlier this week.
Fairfax County Dominates List Of The Fastest Growing Companies In The Country!
Congratulations to the 24 companies in Fairfax County that are included in Inc. Magazine’s 2010 list of the top 500 fastest growing businesses in the United States.
REMINDER! Major Road Shift of Eastbound Route 7 Happens Tonight in Tysons Corner
A significant lane shift will take place overnight tonight on Eastbound Route 7 between the Sheraton Hotel/Dulles Toll Road and the Best Buy shopping center, east of the Gosnell Road/Westpark Drive intersection in Tysons Corner.
State of Emergency as Precaution for Hurricane Earl
Governor Bob McDonnell today declared a state of emergency in the Commonwealth of Virginia, a step authorizing state agencies to take precautionary action to prepare for any potential impacts in eastern Virginia from Hurricane Earl.
The Comstock Connection
As the summer is winding down, I wanted to take a moment to update you on some of the news and events as we head into Fall.
Governor McDonnell Holding a Townhall Next Wednesday
Please join me at Governor McDonnell's town hall meeting next Wednesday, August 25, from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Yes, Virginia, There Is A Surplus
Governor McDonnell Addresses General Assembly Committees on Budget Status.
90th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote
Ninety years ago today, the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave women the right to vote, was ratified.
Newcomers To The Region Bring Their Charitable Dollars With Them
Today's Washington Post highlights five
Fairfax County Companies that have relocated corporate headquarters to
Fairfax County about their philanthropy and charitable giving
The Comstock Connection
Check out this week's Comstock Connection, an update on some the events and news over the summer.
HOT Lanes Extension on 495 is Suspended
I wanted to let you know of some breaking news regarding the proposed Hot Lanes Extension on 495.
Sales Tax Holiday August 6 – 8th
Delegate Comstock issued the following information as a reminder about the upcoming Sales Tax Holiday
Delegate Comstock Commends Board Action on Route 7/Georgetown Pike
I want to thank everyone who attended the Town Hall Meeting last week in Great Falls. As you know, all of the area representatives -- Rep. Frank Wolf, Supervisor Foust, Janet Howell and I -- have all opposed VDOT's plan along with the vast majority of the community. Last week, the Board of Supervisors voted 9-1 on Supervisor Foust's motion to oppose the plan.
Delegate Barbara Comstock Applauds Health Care Ruling
Virginia’s Challenge of Constitutionality of Health Care Act to Proceed
Mailbox Chemical Bomb Awareness & Safety Bulletin
Fairfax County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Section is concerned that the Great Falls community is experiencing a rash of chemical bombs placed in mailboxes., at least five recent reported incidents, perhaps more.
Reminder: July 29 Town Hall Meeting at Great Falls Library
Delegate Comstock is holding a Town Hall Meeting on July 29, 2010 at 7:30pm at the Great Falls Library. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Virginia Department of Transportation's current plan to construct dual left-turn lanes at the intersection of Route 7 and Georgetown Pike.
McLean Community Players production of “Little Women”
Special Event on Sunday, July 25, after the McLean Community Players production of “Little Women”
Sun Gazette Reports On Delegate Comstock's Upcoming Town Hall In Great Falls
Visit the Sun Gazette's website to read their article about my upcoming Town Hall meeting on July 29 at 7:30pm at the Great Falls Library.
Comstock Completes the 2010 Program for Emerging Political Leaders.
Last week I attended the Emerging Political Leaders program.
Delegate Comstock to hold a Town Hall Meeting July 29, 2010
Delegate Comstock is holding a Town Hall Meeting on July 29, 2010 at 7:30pm at the Great Falls Library. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Virginia Department of Transportation's current plan to construct dual left-turn lanes at the intersection of Route 7 and Georgetown Pike.
Letter to Transportation Secretary Sean Connaughton Regarding Route 7 and Georgetown Pike
I recently sent the following letter to Sean Connaughton, Secretary of the Virginia Department of Transportation, regarding Route 7 and Georgetown Pike.
Letter to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Regarding Route 7 and Georgetown Pike
I recently sent the following letter to Sharon Bulova, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors regarding Route 7 and Georgetown Pike.
Congrats McLean Family Restaurant: Restaurant of the Year!
10th District Job Fair Set for July 29 in Leesburg
More than 40 federal agencies and private sector companies will participate in a job and career fair on Thursday, July 29, in Leesburg hosted by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA).
Delegate Comstock Invites Area Residents to Join Her at a Town Hall Forum
Delegate Comstock Invites Area Residents to Join Her at a Town Hall Forum with Members of the Governor's Commission on Government Reform & Restructuring
Happy Independence Day!
JOIN US on the 4th of July at the Great Falls Parade and the Langley Fireworks.
Delegate Barbara Comstock Selected For Leadership Program
Delegate Barbara Comstock has been selected to participate in the 2010 Program for Emerging Political Leaders, sponsored by the State Legislative Leaders Foundation and the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.
Comstock Presented Governor’s Proclamation for “McLean Centennial Day”
On Saturday, June 26, 2010, Delegate Comstock joined The Honorable Charles Robb, The Honorable Vince Callahan, Congressman Frank Wolf and hundreds of McLean Citizens for the McLean Centennial Celebration.
Please Join Us At The McLean Centennial Celebration
The McLean Centennial Celebration is this Saturday, June 26.
KPMG brings more jobs to Fairfax County
KPMG brings more jobs to Fairfax County
Route 123 Closed at the Capital Beltway All Weekend
ALERT: Route 123 will close at the Capital Beltway all weekend, June 11-14, for bridge demolition in Tysons Corner.
Reminder: HOT Lanes Meeting this Wednesday
Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust and Delegate Barbara Comstock have scheduled a public information meeting on the Transurban Group and Virginia Megaprojects proposal to extend the HOT Lanes project on the I-495 Beltway to beyond Georgetown Pike, Rt. 193.
Milestones in Chesapeake Bay Restoration Efforts
Governor Bob McDonnell joined the leaders of Chesapeake Bay watershed jurisdictions today for the 2010 Chesapeake Executive Council meeting in Baltimore and outlined the significant milestones Virginia has achieved in its efforts to restore the Bay.
On Saturday, June 5, I will, once again, be participating in the Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure.
Memorial Day Ceremony at McLean High School
On Memorial Day I was privileged to join McLean's finest to honor our fallen heroes
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
On Saturday, June 5, I will, once again, be participating in the Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure. I will be with Congressman Wolf's team, the "Wolf Pack" - one of the many congressional teams formed to help raise money for this great event.
Remembrance and Thanks
Today, in communities like ours, all across the country, we will salute our heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom. We also extend our thoughts and prayers to the brave men and women in uniform who are serving in harm's way and protecting and fighting for the cause of freedom.
Meeting to Discuss HOT Lanes Proposal to Extend HOT Lanes Past Georgetown Pike Bridge
Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust and Delegate Barbara Comstock have scheduled a public information meeting on the Transurban Group and Virginia Megaprojects proposal to extend the HOT Lanes project on the I-495 Beltway to beyond Georgetown Pike, Rt. 193.
HOT Lanes Extension
Transurban Presents Possible HOT Lanes Extension
McLean Giant Re-opening
Last week I joined Giant staff and other community leaders for the re-opening of the newly renovated McLean Giant.
Delegate Comstock Joined Governor McDonnell at McLean Project for the Arts Gala
5.19.10 The Connection: Delegate Comstock Joined Governor McDonnell at McLean Project for the Arts Gala
"Obamacare will cost Virginia $1.5 billion"
Governor McDonnell in The Washington Examiner today: “Obamacare will cost Virginia $1.5 billion”
Update from Delegate Comstock
Last month my colleagues and I gathered in Richmond for the Reconvene Session to vote on Governor McDonnell's 213 amendments. With the main focus this year being on job creation, we restored funding for the Governor's Opportunity Fund to help create more jobs and reinstated a $10 million tax deduction for Virginia employers. Approximately 70% of the budget amendments focused on Economic Development Initiatives, as we continue to create jobs for the Commonwealth.
Lyme Disease Awareness Month
May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month in the Commonwealth. On Monday night, I joined Congressman Frank Wolf, Delegate Tom Rust and Delegate Tag Greason for an informative Forum on Lyme Disease in Loudoun County
First Meeting of Governor’s Economic Development and Job Creation Commission in Richmond.
On Wednesday, Delegate Barbara Comstock joined over 60 business leaders and entrepreneurs from around the Commonwealth to begin work on the Governor’s Commission.
Congressman Wolf's Lyme Disease Forum
Please join us for a Forum on Lyme Disease that Congressman Frank Wolf will be holding on Monday, May 3rd at 7 p.m. at Heritage High School in Leesburg. Delegate Tom Rust and I worked on a Bill this year that would have allowed physicians more latitude in prescribing medication and alternative treatments for treating Lyme Disease. Dozens of people, including many of our constituents, came to Richmond for the hearing on this measure and they provided powerful testimony about the devastating impact of Lyme Disease on their lives. While the measure did not pass this year, it was carried over to next year's session and we will continue to press these efforts. Officials from the Health Department committed, at the hearings on our bills, to increase their efforts monitoring Lyme Disease and working with us on this important health concern.
Delegate Comstock on Northrop Grumman Moving to Nothern Virginia
Governor McDonnell announced this week that Northrop Grumman will be moving its headquarters from Los Angeles to Northern Virginia. Delegate Barbara Comstock issued the following statement
Delegate Comstock Appointed to the Governor's Economic Development and Jobs Creation Commission
On Monday, Governor McDonnell announced that Delegate Barbara Comstock will be among the members of his Economic Development and Jobs Creation Commission, created by Executive Order Number One, which he signed after he took the Oath of Office this past January.
April 16: Virginia Tech Remembrance Day
Today, our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of all of those touched by the tragedy at Virginia Tech, three years ago, on April, 16 2007.
This Week: National Days of Remembrance
Sunday marked the beginning of the National Days of Remembrance which will continue throughout this week. Congress established the Days of Remembrance as our nation's annual commemoration of the Holocaust and created the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as a permanent living memorial to the victims. The theme of this year's commemoration is Stories of Freedom: What You Do Matters.
Statement of Delegate Comstock on Student Loan Legislation
McLean, VA – Today, Governor McDonnell released a statement I wanted to share with you regarding the recent, but largely unnoticed, takeover of the Federal Student Loan program. As the Governor details, this takeover was incorporated into the recent health care bill and will hit Northern Virginia particularly hard through jobs losses at Sallie Mae as well as fewer loan choices for our many college bound students. In these tough economic times, these are the kind of decisions that deserved at least some minimal discussion before dramatic changes were made on a solely partisan basis. Unfortunately, that did not occur and our families and students will bear yet another unexpected burden.
Statement of Delegate Comstock on the President’s Offshore Energy Plan
McLean, VA - Wednesday morning, President Barack Obama announced that Virginia will be the first state on the East Coast to explore for and produce natural gas and oil offshore. This session, the General Assembly passed and the Governor signed legislation to allow for exploration and drilling to go forward. Delegate Comstock patroned legislation that dedicated the royalties from drilling to go to our transportation needs. Delegate Comstock’s bill was incorporated into the legislation signed by Governor McDonnell that will now allow us to move forward on this important energy initiative. Coastal exploration and drilling also will lead to thousands of new jobs and billions in new revenue in Virginia and will be able to provide us with much needed transportation revenue for the long term.
WHSV: McDonnell Signs Job Opportunity Bills
Herndon, VA - Flanked by Democratic and Republican lawmakers and Northern Virginia technology and business leaders, Gov. Bob McDonnell signed into law Tuesday a number of bills from his successful “Jobs and Opportunity” legislative agenda.
Press Release: Governor McDonnell Travels to Center for Innovative Technology and Northern Virginia Technology Council to Sign Major Components of "Jobs and Opportunity" Agenda
Herndon, VA - This afternoon, Delegate Barbara Comstock joined Governor McDonnell and Northern Virginia technology and business leaders for the signing of a number of the Governor's "Jobs and Opportunity" bills, including H.B. 1372, patroned by Delegate Comstock.
"It was a privilege to join with the Governor, my Northern Virginia colleagues in the General Assembly, and Northern Virginia's technology and business leaders. We all worked together on a bipartisan basis on our number one legislative priority -- jobs. These bills will provide the tools to help keep Northern Virginia in the forefront of the 21st century economy and allow our innovative and talented workforce to excel. In today's global economy, innovation is the path to economic expansion."
Delegate Comstock Cheers Governor McDonnell's Appointment of Sam Nixon as Virginia's Chief Information Officer
McLean, VA – Delegate Barbara Comstock (R-McLean) commended Governor Bob McDonnell for the choice of Delegate Sam Nixon (Chesterfield) as the Commonwealth's next Chief Information Officer and head of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA). Comstock served on the Science and Technology Committee with Delegate Nixon where he served as Vice-Chairman. This session, the Science and Technology Committee reported out the new legislation which restructures the governance of VITA and requires the CIO to report to the Governor through our Secretary of Technology, Jim Duffey. This legislation passed by the General Assembly and recently was signed by the Governor.
Rep. Wolf's Statement on the Health Care Bill
Our Congressman, Rep. Frank Wolf, released the following statement on yesterday's Health Care Bill:§iontree;=7
Statement of Governor Bob McDonnell on Passage of Federal Health Care Bill
Governor McDonnell released the following statement today on the Health Care Bill:
Washington Post: Fairfax County schools get a boost in Virginia's budget
The dire forecast for Fairfax County's schools has brightened after state lawmakers approved a budget last weekend that funnels new resources to local schools.
"Hands Off My Health Care Rally"
On Friday, President Obama will be visiting George Mason University to rally support for the national health care takeover bill and make his final push to gain support for this measure which would pass all kinds of new taxes on families and small businesses as well as place billions in unfunded mandates upon states, destroying our state budget.
Tomorrow, please join me, Supervisor Pat Herrity, and others at a rally to oppose the National Health Care Bill. We need to make it clear to the President and our Virginia congressional delegation that the vast majority of Virginians do not support the health care reform bill presently before Congress. It spends money we don't have and cuts the Medicare program when we should be coming up with ways to get our financial house in order and make sure the Medicare program is protected. The American people want a bipartisan bill that fixes what is broken and keeps what works.
Friday, March 19th
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030
Great Falls Connection Column: National Health Care Bill Threatens State Budget
I want to share a letter that I recently coordinated with a majority of members of the Virginia House of Delegates (56). It was sent to our Virginia Congressional delegation and details our opposition to the national health care bill and how it would harm our state budget. This bill is expected to be voted on in Congress later this week.
Press Release: 2010 Bipartisan Budget and Legislative Agenda Gains Broad Support
Extensive Package of Bills Focused on Job Creation, Education Reform, Energy Independence, Economic Development, and Public Safety.
Washington Post columnist acknowledges in Sunday paper that Northern Virginia’s schools are a “Winner” in Virginia state budget, writing: “Winner: Northern Virginia's schools."
Winner: Northern Virginia's schools. Education budgets in the Virginia suburbs were spared some severe damage when a proposal that would have frozen funding levels was killed. If the freeze had remained, Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince William counties stood to lose $118 million.
It was a rare victory for Northern Virginia in a major struggle with the rest of the state over divvying up school funds. It appeared that McDonnell and the GOP were honoring a campaign commitment to help Northern Virginia get a fair share of the huge flow of tax dollars it sends to Richmond.
Sun Gazette: Freshman Delegate - Cooperation Trumped Partisanship on Issues Key to Local Area
For all the talk of Republicans vs. Democrats and Northern Virginia vs. the rest of the commonwealth, lawmakers made progress on important issues during this year’s General Assembly session, freshman Del. Barbara Comstock (R-34th) said.
Great Falls Connection Op-Ed: Finalizing the State Budget
This week we will finalize the budget in the General Assembly. Due to the weak economy, the projected state revenue for the next two years is about $77 billion instead of the $81 billion previously projected. The challenge for this session was to bridge that $4 billion gap. Given this challenge, Northern Virginia and the 34th District did much better under the current House budget than the budget that outgoing Gov. Kaine (D) had proposed.
Delegate Comstock Joins Governor McDonnell and General Assembly Leaders at Bill Signing
Governor McDonnell Signs Legislation Positioning Virginia to Become the "Energy Capital of the East Coast"
– Positions Commonwealth to Move Forward in Becoming First State on East Coast to Explore for Oil and Natural Gas Offshore; Part of Governor's Comprehensive Energy Plan for Commonwealth –
Press Release: A Letter to the Virginia Congressional Delegation
Richmond, VA - Delegate Barbara Comstock along with 55 other Members of the House of Delegates sent the following letter to the Virginia Congressional delegation opposing the government health care bill.
Attend The March 16 Snow Summit
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Board Auditorium
Fairfax County Government Center
12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA 22035
RELEASE: House Budget Restores School Funding, Eliminates Tax Increases
House Budget Eliminated $260 Million In Additional Taxes On Fairfax County Taxpayers Proposed In Kaine Budget –
While Lifting the LCI Education Funding Freeze and Providing More Funds For Fairfax County Schools
– $260 Million Proposed Tax on Fairfax County From Kaine Budget Was Eliminated
– Budget Invests $50 Million In Job Creation
– Budget Lifts LCI Freeze Which Would Have Cost Fairfax Schools $60 Million
– House Budget Now Provides 15.4% More Than Kaine Proposed Budget
Governor McDonnell announced yesterday that the Virginia Department of Transportation will be making pothole repairs their number one priority throughout the month of March.
Column: Assembly Focuses on Job Creation
Delegate Comstock's column in last week's Connection, focusing on the job creation agenda in the General Assembly.
RELEASE: Statement of Delegate Comstock on General Assembly Passage of Offshore Royalties Bill
-Key Piece of “Jobs and Opportunity” Agenda Passes House and Senate with Bipartisan Support-
Positions Commonwealth to Move Forward in Becoming First State on East Coast to Produce Energy Offshore;
Part of Governor’s Comprehensive Energy Plan for Commonwealth
Legislative Agenda Is Successful At Session Midpoint
This week we reached the midway mark in the 2010 Legislative Session, also known as "crossover" and our legislative agenda has so far been very successful. I wanted to give you an overview of where we stand at mid-session on some key issues.
Delegate Comstock Highlights Success Of Legislative Agenda At Session Midpoint
Virginia Delegate Barbara Comstock (R-McLean) today highlighted the many legislative successes so far by the House of Delegates at the halfway point of the 2010 Session of the Virginia General Assembly. The announcement comes at the 2010 session’s midway mark, commonly referred to as “crossover.” By that date, which this year fell on February 16, each house must have acted on the bills filed by its respective members.
WTOP radio tips on the threat to your roofs with all the snow and ice
Worried about snow accumulation on your roof? Here are some tips.
Snow Storm Update from Terrie Suit
Update was Provided from Terrie Suit, Assistant to the Governor for Commonwealth Preparedness
Update From VDOT, Renée N. Hamilton Assistant District Administrator
VDOT Mobilization Report: Wednesday February 10, 2010
The latest from VDOTs efforts during the snow storm.
More Information From VDOT
VDOT releases more information on their efforts to clear roads in Northern Virginia.
Here is some information to get through the next snow storm hitting tonight.
Region’s Fire Chiefs Encourage Residents to Take Safety Measures as New Winter Storm Arrives
Safety Tips From Fire Chiefs about roof snow accumulation.
Supervisor Foust forwarded this email around - read here
WTOP, Wind, And Icicles
Delegate Comstock Commends Gov. McDonnell for Rejecting the LCI Freeze
See the Full Press Release from Gov. McDonnell here.
Emergency Shelters Opened and Fairfax Schools Closed Monday
All Fairfax County public schools and offices will be closed Monday, February 8. The following activities in schools and on school grounds are canceled. Two Emergency Warming Centers/Shelters to Open in Fairfax County on Feb. 7.
Hotline Activated for Snow Emergency
Fairfax County has activated its Emergency Information Line at 703-817-7771, TTY 711, to respond to residents’ questions regarding the ongoing snow emergency affecting the area.
Richmond Update from Delegate Barbara Comstock
The latest update from the General Assembly in Richmond.
Snow Emergency Hotline Deactivated at Midnight
Fairfax County will deactivate its Emergency Information Line at midnight tonight. However, residents may still leave messages at 703-817-7771, TTY 711.
Saturday Morning Storm Update
Additional Updates and Information on Power Outages and Emergency Information
Winter Weather Advisory
I have put together some information to help you get through the snow, VDOT info etc. Avoid driving at all if possible. Most important of all is to STAY SAFE!
Letter to Governor McDonnell about the LCI Freeze
I joined 35 of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in a letter this week to Governor McDonnell opposing the LCI freeze proposed in Governor Kaine’s last budget. Read more here.
The Connection: Churchill Road Rallies To Protect School Budget
Delegate Comstock was featured in an article about the parents rally at Chruchill Road ES. It highlights the growing awareness of the freezing of the LCI, and the unfair cuts it puts on Fairfax County Public Schools.
Delegate Comstock Joins Governor McDonnell for Response to State of the Union and to Unveil Jobs and Opportunity Agenda
Delegate Barbara Comstock joins bipartisan efforts to champion legislation that will spur job creation, promote economic development and create more opportunities for Virginians.
The Connection: Job Creation as Job #1
Delegate Comstock reflects on the first week in Richmond in The Connection newspaper.
PRESS RELEASE: Delegate Comstock Joins Governor McDonnell to Unveil Jobs and Opportunity Agenda
Governor McDonnell announced Tuesday that Delegate Barbara Comstock will join him in championing legislation that will spur job creation, promote economic development and create more opportunities for Virginians.
Comstock Joins 34th District Parents at Churchill Road Elementary School to Rally Against the Unfair School Funding Formula
VIDEO Watch Delegate Comstock rally with local parents against the unfair freezing of the school funding formula.
Delegate Comstock Joined Governor McDonnell and General Assembly Members Today to Highlight Virginia Jobs Agenda.
Today Delegate Comstock joined with Governor McDonnell, Lt. Governor Bolling and General Assembly Members from both sides of the aisle to highlight the “Jobs and Opportunity Agenda” which includes two measures that Delegate Comstock will be leading on.
Take the 2010 Legislative Survey
In order to better understand the constituents of the 34th district, I have put together a survey that covers some of the issues that the General Assembly will face in this years session. Take a few minutes and fill out the survey.
Delegate Comstock Applauds Virginia's Senator Webb for Calling a Halt to Health Care Votes
Last night has already been called ‘the shock heard round the world.’ With the Republican Senate victory, even the voters of Massachusetts have sent a strong message against government run health care and the budget busting, job killing agenda that has been promoted from Washington. Senator Webb has recognized the message.
Delegate Barbara Comstock Honors the Life & Legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Please take time today to reflect on the lessons he left us all with.
Haiti Earthquake Relief
Support the Fairfax County rescue workers in their mission of aide to Haiti. Donate to the RedCross. Together we can make a difference in the lives of the victims in Haiti.
The 2010 Legislative Session Begins in Richmond
Today I was sworn in as the Delegate for the 34th District.
I wanted to update you with our new contact information in Richmond and also provide you with information about some upcoming events that you may be interested in, as well as inviting you to keep us informed of your views as we face the difficult budgetary challenges ahead. My door will always be open to you and please call, write or email with your concerns and suggestions. I look forward to working with you.
Town Meeting with Fairfax Legislators
Join Barbara at a Town Meeting with the Fairfax delegation to the General Assembly on Saturday Jan 9th starting at 9 am. Come out and voice your concerns for Virginia!
Merry Christmas
We would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
I look forward to working with you all in the New Year to tackle the many challenges facing our Commonwealth. I am honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve the 34th District.
Veterans Day Statement from Barbara Comstock
Today we thank and honor our veterans for their service and sacrifice. For generations, brave men and women have answered the call of duty and selflessly served and protected our nation. They are our heroes and we can never fully repay the debt we owe them in providing the blessings of freedom they have so ably fought for and defended.
As many of our brave men and women defend our freedom from threats in Afghanistan and Iraq and many others places around the world, we also keep the many service men and women from Virginia in our thoughts and prayers today.
Thank You!
We won! Thanks to a fabulous team effort on Tuesday, we had a great election night, albeit a late one! My family and I can't thank everyone enough for all the help and support for our campaign that made this possible.
Wall Street Journal: GOP Comes Back in Northern Virginia
When Charlie Ambrus was asked why he, as a lifelong Democrat and enthusiastic Obama voter, stumped for a Republican candidate for the state legislature this fall, he answered simply: "She came to my door."
The Connection: Republican Comstock Ousts Vanderhye in Close Race
Republican Barbara Comstock said it was a broad coalition of residents and volunteers, along with a lot of legwork, that enabled her to oust freshman Del. Margi Vanderhye (D-34) in Tuesday’s election.