Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Comstock Connection
Dear Friend,
It's been a very busy Fall and it has been great seeing so many of you at events around our community. I wanted to update you on our activities and news and events. I would also invite you to share this newsletter with any friends or colleagues who might be interested.
Thursday Morning I Will Be Speaking At The Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce Breakfast
This Thursday I will be speaking at a Networking Breakfast held by the Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce. I served on the Governor's Job Creation and Economic Development Commission and I look forward to discussing how Virginia has set out a different course than Washington. The Breakfast will be at J. Gilberts in McLean, starting at 7:30a.m. To register for the event, clickhere.
Lyme Disease Task Force Created
I wrote a letter to Dr. Hazel, Secretary of Health and Human Services, commending him and Governor McDonnell for creating a Task Force on Lyme Disease. The Task Force will work to bring recommendations and information to the Governor regarding Lyme disease and the diagnosis, prevention, public education, and medical treatment. It will also consider the impact of Lyme disease on children. I have also met with Secretary Hazel and asked to host a Town Hall meeting here in the 34th district to address the issues and work with the Task Force members to reduce and eradicate this serious public health threat to the citizens of the Commonwealth.
McLean Green Day A Big Success
Congratulations to Mary Anne Dufus and the 30 local businesses and vendors who turned out at the Brooksfield School to make the first McLean Green Day a success. I was pleased to join Mary Anne, Supervisor Foust and others to discuss green initiatives in our state, our county, our town, our businesses and our homes. This was a great grassroots effort to educate and to raise the awareness of our fellow citizens and to inspire a healthier lifestyle for our community. I invite all the vendors who participated and others involved in this effort to post information on our website to share with the community to achieve Mary Anne's goal of being "the team that works together to sustain McLean."
Burglary Investigations Continue
There have now been over 100 incidents linked to the series of burglaries and larcenies in Fairfax County. Click here to view a listing of the date, station and hundred block of the offenses, which may include: burglaries, attempted burglaries, larcenies from vehicles, suspicious events, opened doors, tampering, trespassing or suspicious events linked to this series.
Don't hesitate to contact police if you see or hear anything out of the ordinary at 703-691-2131. Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-8477 or email them here.
Join the Rotary Club, McLean HS, Langley HS, and Redeemer Lutheran Church to Stop Hunger Now
The Rotary Club of McLean, McLean High School, Langley High School, and Redeemer Lutheran Church have come together for an event called "Stop Hunger Now." The goal is to raise $25,000 to package 100,000 meals in 1 day on November 6, 2010. They are asking for volunteers to donate 2 hours of time on November 6 to help package the meals, all ages over 8 are welcome to help. The event will be held at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 1545 Chain Bridge Road in McLean, starting at 9a.m.
Japanese Garden Dedication And Ceremony
I was pleased to join the parents, teachers and honored guests at the Great Falls Elementary School Japanese Garden Dedication and Ceremony. It was an honor to join special guests, Mr. Shinzo Abe, the Former Prime Minister of Japan, Dr. George Packard, President, US Japan Foundation, Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki, Ambassador of Japan to the United States, Congressman Frank Wolf, US House of Representatives, Dr. Jack Dale, Superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools, and the parents and supporters of the program and the garden.
The Japanese Garden, named Yujo no Niwa ("Friendship Garden"), to honor the school's long-term relationship with Japan, is the result of a grant provided by the U.S. Japan Foundation to Japanese Immersion Program teacher, Mamiya Worland (Sahara Sensei). Ms. Worland was recognized with the Elgin-Heinz Outstanding Teacher Award and received a grant to make her Japanese Garden idea become a reality. The garden was designed by Master Gardener, Paul McCutcheon, who is employed by the Smithsonian Institution. The construction of the garden was a true community effort, with local businesses donating products and services, and over 100 people volunteering their time to bring the garden to life. The volunteers included Boy Scouts from Troop #673 (who supported Eagle Scout Candidate, Michael Melendez); High School, Middle School, and Elementary students; parents, and community members. Thank you to Lisa Hodge for the background information on this special garden and congratulations all!

House Of Delegates Student Art Contest
The annual House of Delegates Student Art Contest is underway. Students can enter their artwork in the contest for a chance to win a $100 United States Savings Bond and a trip to Richmond. Entries must be postmarked by December 3, 2010, and the winners of each group will be notified by January 7, 2011. At our recent MPA Artfest, there was wonderful student artwork and the MPA Gallery has also featured outstanding artwork by our students. In addition to this contest, we would invite local artists to send us artwork and we will hang it in our office area in Richmond also. For more information on the contest and to enter, please click here.
Junior Achievement Finance Park Grand Opening
Last week I attended the Grand Opening of the Junior Achievement Finance Park at Frost Middle School. I was joined by many of my colleagues in the General Assembly; Virginia Secretary of Education, Gerard Robinson; Fairfax County Superintendent, Dr. Jack Dale; Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke; President and CEO of Junior Achievement of the National Capital Area, Ed Grenier; Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Capital One, Richard Fairbank; and many others from the business community. The Finance Park will provide students with financial literacy education. Read more about the Junior Achievement Finance Park here. I also will be joining Richard Fairbank for the grand opening of the newest Capital One bank branch in Virginia, in McLean on November 4, 2010. Capitol One has been a strong supporter of the Finance Park, which is a model program on providing our students with practical financial education.

Join Us For "Jamaica Night" At St. Luke Catholic Church In McLean
On November 6, St. Luke will be holding their annual "Jamaica Night" dinner, dance and auction. The parishioners of Saint Luke have provided aid for the impoverished in the Kingston, Jamaica, area for the past 16 years, raising over a half-million dollars for Monsignor Richard Albert's Saint Patrick Foundation. For more information email [email protected].
McLean Community Center 35th Anniversary and Teen Center 20th Anniverary Celebrated
CongratuIations to the McLean Community Center, which celebrated their 35th Anniversary earlier this month with a stellar performance by John Lithgow in his one man show, "Stories by Heart."
This past Saturday, the Teen Center marked a 20th anniversary celebration with a festive celebration at the Old Firehouse. I was pleased to join both well-attended events. Thanks to all the McLean Community Center and Teen Center staff and supporters.

Free Parking At Virginia State Parks On Veteran's Day
Governor McDonnell recently announced that in honor of the members and families of America's armed services, both current and past, Virginia State Parks will waive parking fees for all Virginians on Veteran's Day, November 11th. These fees will be waived at all 35 state parks managed by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. Read the Governor's press releasehere.
Korean Community Service Center Gala
I was honored to join the leaders of the Korean Community Service Center for their annual gala Sunday night. Since 1974, the KCSC's Mission has been to assist and empower Asian Americans and new immigrants to become well-adjusted and fully contributing members of the United States through social services, education, advocacy, and development of resources. Congratulations on a great community event!

Join Us At The "Inspiring Women" Benefit For The Women's Center
The Women's Center will be holding their annual benefit, "Inspiring Women" on Saturday, November 13 at 6:30p.m. at Gannett Corporation Headquarters in McLean. If you'd like to join us and help support the programs and services of The Women's Center, see their website or email them at[email protected].
Last week, I was pleased to join 900 members of the Northern Virginia technology community, along with many members of the Cabinet and our General Assembly, who gathered at TechCelebration, the annual banquet of the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC). Cisco's John Chambers delivered thought provoking keynote remarks and NVTC honored the Council's former Chair Dan Bannister for his commitment to the region's technology business community and his civic and philanthropic accomplishments, including his role as a founder of NVTC's Equal Footing Foundation. Congratulations to Dan Bannister and congratulations to NVTC Pres and CEO Bobbie Kilberg, NVTC Chair Brad Antle and the Board for a great event. Read more here.
If you have other events, news, or issues of concern, always feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Barbara Comstock