On The Trail
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Friends of Barbara,
With less than 3 months until election day, Barbara and the Comstock Team have been out in full force, knocking on doors and reaching out to new areas of the district to talk to voters about the importance of keeping Virginia on a path of economic prosperity. We are grateful for all the early support we've received from people putting up signs in their yards, volunteering their time and contributing towards our campaign. I want to give a special thanks to the The Greater McLean Republican Women and all of our wonderful interns and weekend volunteers who have helped immensely over the past few months.
Today is an important finance deadline and we can really use your support, it goes a long way in helping spread Barbara's message of maintaining a fiscally responsible, business-friendly, community driven environment in Northern Virginia. Donations received today for the August 10th deadline can be counted towards the Governor's event in September mentioned below. Stay involved and encourage your friends and neighbors do so as well! We have some great events and opportunities to come.
See you on the trail!
Amanda Isaacson
Campaign Manager
Barbara Comstock for Delegate
(703) 209-3787
[email protected]
On The Trail
August 10, 2011
Get Your Comstock Yard Sign!
Congressman Frank Wolf put up his Barbara Comstock yard sign this week. Request yours today! Email meat or call 703-209-3787
Join Us For An Upcoming Special Event:
Bobbie & Bill Kilberg
cordially invite you to an
Evening Reception
in honor of
Delegate Barbara Comstock
with special guest
Governor Bob McDonnell
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
At the home of Bobbie & Bill Kilberg
McLean, VA
Host: $5,000 Co-host: $2,500
Patron: $1,000 Sponsor: $500
Individual Ticket: $250
Please make your contribution to Barbara's campaign by visiting
or please make checks payable and mail to
Friends of Barbara Comstock at:
P.O. Box 6171, McLean, VA 22106
For more information and to RSVP please contact:
Amanda Isaacson 612-209-5009
[email protected]
Please note, contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporate contributions are acceptable and welcome.
You're Invited to an
Ice Cream Social
Delegate Barbara Comstock
State Senate Candidate
Caren Merrick
Monday, August 22, 2011
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
At the 10th District Republican Committee Office
1364 Chain Bridge Rd
McLean, VA 22102
For more information and to RSVP please contact:
Amanda Isaacson a[email protected]m
Recap: Loudoun Republican Party Convention
Saturday July 23, we attended the Loudoun Convention! It was great to meet all of our people out in Loudoun and congrats to Mike Chapman (for sheriff) and Scott York (for Chairman of the Board of Supervisors) for winning the nominations. We look forward to working with the ticket this fall!

1,000 Facebook Likes!
This week Barbara reached over 1,000 Facebook likes on
her page! Help us reach out to hundreds more before election day by telling friends, family and neighbors to show their support for by liking Barbara on facebook.

Recap: Meet & Greet with the Jorgenson's
Lilian and Allan Jorgenson hosted a Meet & Greet at their home on July 25th. Thank you to all of the Jorgenson's friends and neighbors who attended.
Upcoming Events
We continue to add events to our calendar so that you might be able to join us and hear more about the campaign or donate to our efforts. If you would like to hold a meet and greet or event at your home, business or community group, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Upcoming events include:
- August 22 - Free Ice Cream Social Join Delegate Comstock and State Senate Candidate Caren Merrick at the 10th District Republican Committee Office - 1364 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean
- September 22 - Evening Reception at Jan Schar's house in Great Falls
- September 27 - Evening Reception with Governor McDonnell at Bobbie and Bill Kilberg's House in McLean
Get Involved and Help Re-Elect Barbara!
Our doors are always open! Come on in and help out in our new campaign office at 1313 Dolley Madison (3rd Floor) in McLean. We're here everyday from 9am to 4pm making phone calls, stuffing letters and much more! After 4 we hit the streets to knock on doors. We can always use an extra set of hands so please stop by and help out.
Thanks to Evan Schwed for writing a wonderful letter to the editor in support of Barbara last week! See the letter in last week's Great Falls Connection.
If you have questions about any of the information above please contact me at [email protected] or 703-209-3787
Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Barbara Comstock