Message from Congressman Wolf
Good Morning Friend,
Turnout is the key to my victory, and I need your help. Please spread the word and remind your family, friends and neighbors to vote on November 2. Take a moment to email your family, friends and neighbors how important it is to vote on November 2. You can also send them a message on Facebook and Twitter.
If you know someone who will be out of town on Election Day, November 2, remind them that in-person absentee voting is underway. Thanks for your continued support and hard work for my campaign!

Frank Wolf
In-Person Absentee Voting is under way and ends October 30. 34th District voters can vote absentee at the following locations:
Office of Elections:
Government Center Parkway
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 323, Fairfax
Phone: 703-222-0776
Monday - Friday:
October 18 - October 30: 8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
October 9, 16, 23, 30: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Satellite Location
McLean Gov't Center: 1437 Balls Hill Road, McLean